August 15, 2013

While playing with Eric and Ariel. I, of course, am Eric.

Ariel: "We're married."

Eric: "We're married??"

Ariel: "Um, YEAH."

Eric: "Wow. How did I miss that?"

Ariel: "I have something that will prove we're married." (Produces a baby.)

Eric: "We have a baby???"

Ariel: "Yes."

Eric: "Gee. You'd think I would have remembered THAT."

Ariel: "It's because you've been living with the boys for too long."

Eric: "Oh. Yeah. Sorry about that."

Ariel: "You've been living with Prince Charming for like a hundred days. Get back here."

The Weekend Adventure!

First up: gymkhana...
and a quick cup of tea for me.

Post gymkhana decisions: earth night? Or dinner date with Ruthie?

Dinner date.

Dunkin'. Life is good with a babysitter.

Reunited with Ruby!

Deep thoughts during Muppet Treasure Island.  
Ruby was especially impressed with the singing tiki heads.

"It's like every single thing honors the culture."

Bedtime. Ruby sounds out our bedtime story herself.

The moment when I realized I forgot my toothpaste. Hello Kitty toothpaste for me.

Morning snuggles.

Peaceful breakfast on the porch, while the kids watch the end of Pocahontas II.
Further deep thoughts included discussing how John Smith "treasoned" the Indians. 
Not so much honoring of culture going on there, apparently.

Grabbing a quiet moment before heading off to ballet.

Lots of pink leotards!

Miles and I soaked up the sun at Commonplace. The weather was incredible.

Funny faces at Eat'n Park.


So much fun to be had at Carnegie Museum's play day. 
Puppets, storytime, crafts, playground...

Miles put the biohazard sign on his pirate ship.

"Go bio or go home!"

And THEN we did a trip to Dobra Tea House for some down time.

This is what mostly went on at the tea house:

Me: "So what part of the day was your favorite?"
Ruby: "The whole part when we were with Kelsey."
Me: "You mean Marci?"
Ruby: "Yeah."
Me: "You really liked her, didn't you?"
Ruby: "I LOVED her."
Me: "What did you like about her?"
Ruby: "She was really sweet and kind. And she likes dresses and singing, like I do."

We finished up the day with a trip to Frog Pond, for a picnic.

Pizza, jellybeans, "Five Children and It"-- perfection.

Trying out paper boats on the pond.

Both children fell in.

It was a huge success.

At bath time, Miles told us a story about when he fell into a lake and his dad jumped in to save him. Everyone was okay, except for dad's iphone.

Me: "Well, it's nice to know that your dad cares more about you than his iphone."
Miles: "Yeah. That knowledge might come in handy sometime."

Rainy Sunday morning ended in an epic game of War. 

And the reunion of parents and children.

The end!

February 19, 2013

Annie: "I wish you were my mommy."

Me: "No you don't. You love your mommy. You wouldn't want a different one."

Annie considers.

Annie: "Well, she knows where all the candy is. If you were my mommy, I'd have to take you under my wing and train you up."

February 14, 2013

Annie: "Sometimes people are like, 'I'll be back.'"

Me: "'I'll be back?'"

Annie: "Yeah. Like when someone from another town forces them to leave they're like, (dramatic Arnold Schwarzenegger voice) 'I'll be BACKK.'"

February 12, 2013

Will and Annie have been making valentines to give to their classmates. Here are my favorites: 

January 31, 2013

Annie and I are playing with her barbie dolls.

Me: "Ring-ring!"

Annie: "Hello?"

Me: "Hey! This is Ken. Wanna go on a date?"

Annie: "I am NOT Barbie."

Me: "Oh. Well, who is this then?"

Annie: "I'm Cinderella."

Me: "Oh. Well hey there! Do you wanna go out?"

Annie: "Um, but what about BARBIE?"

Me: "I don't want to go out with Barbie. I want to go out with you."

Annie: "Okay."

Me: "Great. I'll pick you up at eight."

Annie: "No-o. First we have to get breakfast."

Me: "...Oh. Okay."

Annie: "And also I can just fly there and meet you."

Me: "Okay. Then I'll meet you at the breakfast place in the morning."

Annie: "No, you can just drive to my house and then I'll carry you while I fly."

Me: "Yeah. That sounds manly."

Annie: "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

Me: "Alright then."

Annie: "And now you have two girlfriends."

Me: "What? No! I broke up with Barbie!"

Annie: "No. That can't happen."

Me: "...Okay. But...I want to go out with you!"

Annie: "Well, boys can have two girlfriends."

Me: "Um. What?"

Annie: "They CAN."

Me: "Who said that??"

Annie: "I asked my uncle, and he said it was okay."

Me: ...

Annie: "So. Do you still love Barbie?"

Me: "I guess so."

Annie: "Good. See you tomorrow."

A few minutes later, I decided this conversation needed to be addressed.

Me: "You know Annie, in the game it's okay to play this, but it's not a good thing in real life to date two girls at the same time."

Annie: "Why?"

Me: "'s just that when you're in love with someone, you should only be in love with one person at a time."

Annie: "But I'm in love with more than one person."

Me: "Ah."

Annie: "When you're a kid, you can be in love with more than one person."

January 3, 2013

Will: "I love crackers. Because everybody loves crackers."

Annie: "Not everybody likes crackers."

Will: "Everybody has to like some kind of crackers."

Annie: "No, that's not true. Some people are born without liking ONE SINGLE cracker."